Sunday, March 18, 2012

Love versus Infatuation (Comparison and Contrast Essay)

by: Jewel Villanueva

Love and Infatuation are both deep feeling that someone would feel for another person. These two feelings most often are confusing for many people. They don’t what are they feeling, if they are in love or just infatuating. There are lots of differences between love and infatuation. 

 Love takes time, a long time. When you are in love, feelings grow gradually and it lasts for a long time like years. On the other hand, infatuation takes just a glance and you start feeling “something” for that person. The feeling instantly grows and instantly fades. Infatuation does not last for a long time, usually a month or more. 

Another difference, infatuation is associated with the physical outlook. The feeling is usually develops because of the physical appearance of the one they like, while love is associated with being emotionally and intellectually compatible with each other. Physical appearance is not so important in love, as long as your feelings for each other are true and sincere. 

 Most important difference between the two is that, a person in love does not expect something in return and desire the best for the person they love. It is not important to them even if their love will not be repaid, as long as the one they love is doing good and happy. In contrast, a person infatuating wants the same feeling in return. For them, their happiness will be complete if the person they like will also like them. 

 Infatuation is a feeling or a state of being totally carried away by unreasoning desire. Fascination, crush, desire or obsession of another person is infatuations. However, love is a feeling of strong affection for another person. It is patient, kind, and forgiving. It does not want something in return.

(c) Tumblr for the pictures


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