Saturday, March 17, 2012

He is Effortless (Best Example Essay)

by: Jewel Villanueva and Kathryn Villela

Ian is the most effortless boyfriend I’ve ever had. He is the most effortless boyfriend a girl could ever imagine. He is lame and easy-going. He is effortless in terms of everything like: time, communication, and attention. I really don’t know what happened to him, why did he become like that; because he is not like that when I first met him. 
(c) Jewel Villanueva

 He never gave me time. He said to me that my schedule is in conflict with his. During my free time before, he always had something to do. And when we were both free, he was not even making an effort to see me or to be with me. He didn’t make a way for us to have time together. At some chances before, when we were on a date, I don’t know but he was always in a hurry. He kept on staring at his watch. I never enjoyed our dates before. 

 He never wanted to speak to me whenever we had fights. He just let the time pass without talking to me. In Facebook, he didn’t send me a message even though we were both online. It was like we were not in a relationship. And when I wanted to communicate with him through text, he never replied unless I gave him load.

He was the type of boyfriend that doesn’t show affection. There was no sweetness at all. He never visited me in my house before. And when we were together, he was acting like we were just friends. His attention was focused on something or someone else. It was like he doesn’t want anybody to see us sweet. 

 I thought I knew him already, but I was wrong. He just stopped all the things he did to get me. He is the type of guy who is so unpredictable. But I’m still thankful that I met him. I learn so many lessons from an effortless person and from that unsatisfying relationship. Now, I’m on my way to moving on.

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