Sunday, March 18, 2012

Love versus Infatuation (Comparison and Contrast Essay)

by: Jewel Villanueva

Love and Infatuation are both deep feeling that someone would feel for another person. These two feelings most often are confusing for many people. They don’t what are they feeling, if they are in love or just infatuating. There are lots of differences between love and infatuation. 

 Love takes time, a long time. When you are in love, feelings grow gradually and it lasts for a long time like years. On the other hand, infatuation takes just a glance and you start feeling “something” for that person. The feeling instantly grows and instantly fades. Infatuation does not last for a long time, usually a month or more. 

Another difference, infatuation is associated with the physical outlook. The feeling is usually develops because of the physical appearance of the one they like, while love is associated with being emotionally and intellectually compatible with each other. Physical appearance is not so important in love, as long as your feelings for each other are true and sincere. 

 Most important difference between the two is that, a person in love does not expect something in return and desire the best for the person they love. It is not important to them even if their love will not be repaid, as long as the one they love is doing good and happy. In contrast, a person infatuating wants the same feeling in return. For them, their happiness will be complete if the person they like will also like them. 

 Infatuation is a feeling or a state of being totally carried away by unreasoning desire. Fascination, crush, desire or obsession of another person is infatuations. However, love is a feeling of strong affection for another person. It is patient, kind, and forgiving. It does not want something in return.

(c) Tumblr for the pictures

Our Bicol Region Experience (New Descriptive Essay)

by: Arrashen Tajanlangit and Kelly Sanchez

As tourism students at DLSU-D, we were very lucky to visit the Bicol Region, it is also known as Region V. We went there this semester and we’ve stayed for 5 days. What comes into your mind when we talk about Bicol Region? Is it the Mayon Volcano? What does Bicol Region like? 

 Bicol Region’s regional center is Legazpi City. Bicol Region is located at the South-eastern most part of Luzon in the Philippines. It is the one of the famous tourist destinations in the country. It has a lot of beautiful scenic view to offer to visitors and tourist. Bicol region has recently seen a revival in their tourism industry, due to the popularity of the Mayon Volcano. It is the world’s famous mountain in which has a perfectly shaped cone. 

 It is almost 9 hours away from Cavite. As we got from Bicol, I could feel the soft breeze coming from the horizon. I have seen many trees and grasses that grow there. Around the houses there are trees. It gives the people there a beautiful shade. When we have checked in a hotel, I feel so relaxed and at peace because it was a quiet place away from the city. Bicol is also rich in cultural and architectural heritage. The structures of the buildings like churches houses are dated back from the Spanish Period. Some of the houses were designed with long slanting roofs covered with nipa leaves. Bicol is also known for its exotic and beautiful white sand beaches. It has a magnificent world-class diving spots. One of the popular tourist destinations that this Region can offer to visitors is the whale shark spotting. It was a great experience seeing the whale shark. It is enormous in size, reaching lengths greater than 15 meters. They are remarkably gentle enough that is generally safe to swim among them. Swimming among the whale sharks is a captivating experience. 
Whale Shark watching in Donsol, Sorsogon
Daraga Church in Albay
 I feel happy visiting that place. It was a great experience that we will never forget. We enjoyed our time visiting the Bicol Region. Hope to visit again.

(c) Abigail Teves and Anthea Donnellan for the pictures

Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Close Encounter (New Example Essay)

by: Abigail Teves

We had our Bicol Tour last February 27-29, 2012 and we were all very excited because some of us will come to Bicol for the first time. On the second day of our tour, we had experienced Whale Shark Watching in Donsol, Sorsogon.

 At around 8 am, we had watched first a video about the Whale Shark/Butanding and the guidelines on what to do when we are there on the boat. After that, we had gone to the boat. We had put on our life vests and had fitted our goggles. At first, I was nervous because the watcher of the Butanding said that we will all dive in to the sea so that we could see the Butanding closer and I am also afraid because we will all dive at the middle of the sea and the boat will leave us behind so that the Butanding will not be distracted. I am also not prepared to dive because I had already made a decision the day before the whale shark watching that I will not dive.

When we’re already near the middle of the sea, I had changed my mind that I will go and dive because the opportunity is already there. The watcher said that he already saw a Butanding and we had dived altogether. On the first encounter, I had felt the body of the Butanding with my feet and it is very close to us. On the second encounter, me and my classmate were above the Butanding. It is really big and we are afraid that it might get nearer to us.

After the close encounter with the Butanding, we had went near an island to see the corals, we had dived again and we had saw some rocks under the sea. We had also seen two starfishes. We are all happy because we had saw two whale sharks and starfishes and it will be an unforgettable day for all of us.

I was relieved and felt happy because I had tried to dive and had a close encounter with the Butanding and it is more fun when you had experienced diving than just being on the boat. I had learned that we should think positive always so that we can do our tasks easier. We should not think of the negative things because it will hinder us to do our tasks. We should not be afraid of trying new challenges because it will be a new experience and a lesson for us.

(c) Abigail Teves and Anthea Donnellan for the pictures

He is Effortless (Best Example Essay)

by: Jewel Villanueva and Kathryn Villela

Ian is the most effortless boyfriend I’ve ever had. He is the most effortless boyfriend a girl could ever imagine. He is lame and easy-going. He is effortless in terms of everything like: time, communication, and attention. I really don’t know what happened to him, why did he become like that; because he is not like that when I first met him. 
(c) Jewel Villanueva

 He never gave me time. He said to me that my schedule is in conflict with his. During my free time before, he always had something to do. And when we were both free, he was not even making an effort to see me or to be with me. He didn’t make a way for us to have time together. At some chances before, when we were on a date, I don’t know but he was always in a hurry. He kept on staring at his watch. I never enjoyed our dates before. 

 He never wanted to speak to me whenever we had fights. He just let the time pass without talking to me. In Facebook, he didn’t send me a message even though we were both online. It was like we were not in a relationship. And when I wanted to communicate with him through text, he never replied unless I gave him load.

He was the type of boyfriend that doesn’t show affection. There was no sweetness at all. He never visited me in my house before. And when we were together, he was acting like we were just friends. His attention was focused on something or someone else. It was like he doesn’t want anybody to see us sweet. 

 I thought I knew him already, but I was wrong. He just stopped all the things he did to get me. He is the type of guy who is so unpredictable. But I’m still thankful that I met him. I learn so many lessons from an effortless person and from that unsatisfying relationship. Now, I’m on my way to moving on.

Kathryn’s Well-Organized Bedroom (Best Descriptive Essay)

by: Jewel Villanueva and Kathryn Villela

Kathryn’s bedroom is a well-organized one. She makes sure that all of her things there are in their proper places and are well-maintained. Her bedroom is just enough for her and her stuffs. She keeps important and significant things only, so that her bedroom will not be too crowded. Kathryn is an organized type of person and she does not want misplacing things, especially in her bedroom. 

 When you enter her bedroom, you will surely know that the owner of the room is a teenager girl because of the things she has there. The first thing you will see inside is a big white cabinet with a rectangular mirror. Inside this cabinet are her things and her clothes organized in a way a lady should arrange her wardrobe. At the top of this cabinet are a lot of shoe boxes arranged according to how often she uses it. The next thing you will notice is her cute and girly wallpapers that decorate the walls of the bedroom. One of her favourite wallpaper is hello kitty. Then, you’ll notice is a floral curtain that covers the only window in the room. She chose a floral curtain to match the decoration and the organization of the bedroom. 

 Kathryn doesn’t share her bedroom with anyone but her bed is as big as the master’s bed. It is covered with a floral comforter where she and her soft-rounded pillows lie. There are also cute stuffed toys that surround when she’s sleeping. And at night, the light that brightens her bedroom comes from a vintage lampshade which is placed beside her bed. Kathryn is the one who chose the position of everything inside her bedroom. She is also the one cleaning and maintaining her room and the things inside it.

(c) Kathryn Villela for the pictures